Universidade de Caxias do Sul
novembro 25, 2015 – novembro 27, 2015
Organized by University of Caxias do Sul & Ibero-American Community for
Knowledge Systems
Summit Theme:
Knowledge-based organizations
Summit Topics:
Knowledge economy and knowledge society
Knowledge-based business and public services
Learning organization
Knowing organization
Intelligent organization
Knowledge management and intellectual capital
Knowledge - creating organization
Knowledge strategy for business and public organization
Knowledge-based innovation
Knowledge workers and creativity
Strategic planning for knowledge city formation
Cooperation of scientists and practitioners in the context of knowledge-based services
*Other topics relevant to the Summit will also be considered
Deadlines for submissions
Early announcement of interest to submit: 2 December 2014
Abstract and workshop proposal submission: 29 March 2015
Abstract and workshop acceptance notification: 15 April 2015
Full paper submission: 2 July 2015
Full paper acceptance notification: 30 August 2015
New user must do the registration. Afterward, edit My Profile in the registration and select the box “Authors” to submit your paper/abstract. Select “New Submission” and subsequently choose the conference summit topics.
For abstract and workshop proposal submission, click here
Informações sobre a Conferência

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