International Exchange of Foreign Professors and Researchers

The University of Caxias do Sul allows the reception of foreign professors and/or researchers to undertake a period of activities at the institution.

Types of subsidisable activities

  • Preparatory Visits: mobility of professors and researchers in order to strengthen links between departments and colleges that are considered relevant institutionally, prepare future cooperative projects and enhance the capture of undergraduate and graduate to international academic mobility.
  • Teaching or research activities: mobility of foreign professors to UCS in order to perform activities of teaching or research. The academic contribution must be part of the curriculum, linked to ongoing programs in the institutions, considering at least eight hours of tuition for students and two-hour workshop for faculty or community.


The original documents listed below should be sent to the Interinstitutional and International Relations Office of UCS:

  • Work Plan (duly approved both by the institution of origin and institution of destination)
  • Copy of passport (pages of identification and validity)
  • Curriculum Vitae


The number of places offered will depend on the partnership agreed between the institutions.

Observations on the financial support:

  • Financial support for food will be calculated based on official prices of UCS University Restaurant.
  • Lodging will be appointed and funded by the University of Caxias do Sul.
  • In no case visas and health insurance expenses or personal expenses (such as phone calls, etc) shall be paid.

UCS Internacional

Cidade Universitária - Galeria de Serviços - Central de Atendimentos - Guichês de 15 a 17
Tel/Fax: +55 54 3218 2598 -